16 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

Fall Semester Final Project - Transform - Final Jury



       For the final submission of this project, I didnt change my basal elements but I changed several of the transformation types. I created Group-A and Group-B with open and close surfaces in order to enable them to make relations with other groups. I brought Group-A and Group-B in exactly same way all the time in my project which created a Unit. I repeated this Unit seven times. While bringing the units together, I shifted my gridal system half so that I also had voids in between the groups. I brought the units together in a way that they had their open surfaces inside and their closed surfaces outside. By doing that my model didn't look incomplete.

Fall Semester Final Project - Transform - Pre-Jury

       For this design project, we were asked to create two different basal elements and make transformations on them such as; bendings, foldings and cutting slits. I created three elements from each two of my basal elements. After that I made two different groups with three elements each. I repeated both of the groups seven times so that I had forty-two elements at the end.

24 Kasım 2015 Salı

Exercise-8 Final Submission

       For my final submission of this exercise I changed my group a ittle bit and decided a new order for my groups to come together. I designed my new groups as they can complete each other. My new order for them to come together is changing the dimension of the group and sliding group half to outside. by doing this I created voids between groups which can flow between groups. I solved the problem of being linear by connecting each group with three other groups.

Exercise-8 Third Submission

       In this design I decided to change my group a little bit with adding triangles and using more mesh. But this time I went to a totally wrong path before final submission. I got a critic as it is linear. So I decided to turn back to my first group because using triangles and more mesh closed my groups for coming together with other groups.

Exercise-8 Second Submission

       After getting critics from my first submission I made some changes in my design. I removed slits in order to prevent creating undefined voids. I created an order for my groups to come together.

Exercise-8 First Submission

       This model's topic is voids. We were asked to make a model without a number or element limitation, but we were going to use mesh, balsa and void for the first time. Before I started doing my model, I decided which shapes I will use for my design. I decided to use basic geometrical shapes since we were used to them from the past weeks. then I created a group which had 3 total voids in it. I brought these groups together to make their voids to flow into each other.